Anti Money Laundering

Anti Money Laundering

Anti Money Laundering

The infrastructure for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) on Curaçao finds its legal basis in the National Ordinance on identification when rendering services (LID) and the National Ordinance on the reporting of unusual transactions (LMOT). These ordinances determine that all service providers offering the opportunity to participate in games of hazard in general, casinos, lotteries, and offshore games of hazard fall within the regulatory scope.

On February 15, 2019, the Curaçao Gaming Control Board (GCB) was officially appointed AML/CFT supervisor for all gambling in and from Curaçao. Prior to that, the GCB’s AML/CFT supervisory responsibilities were limited to the landbased casino sector.

Legislation and Regulation

The gaming industry operating in and from Curaçao is held to compliance with the National Ordinance on identification when rendering services (Landsverordening identificatie bij dienstverlening (LID), PB 2017, no. 92), and the National Ordinance on the reporting of unusual transactions (Landsverordening melding ongebruikelijke transacties (LMOT), PB 2017, no. 99).

With the publication of the National Decree supervisor identification when rendering services gaming sector (Landsbesluit toezichthouder identificatie bij dienstverlening kansspelsector, LB van 28 januari 2019, no. 19/0282) and the National Decree supervisor unusual transactions gaming sector (Landsbesluit toezichthouder ongebruikelijke transacties kansspelsector, LB van 28 januari 2019, no. 19/0283), the Curaçao Gaming Control Board (GCB) is tasked with the AML/CFT supervision of the gaming sector operating in and from Curaçao.

Disclaimer: For the purpose of user-friendliness, this website provides internal working documents, containing  unofficial (consolidated) texts of legislation. Although every effort is made to provide accurate and current information, no rights can be derived from the use of the working documents. The GCB disclaims any responsibility or liability for errors, omissions, and delay in updating of any information or links, or for claims regarding the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information.

PB 2017, no. 92 | Landsverordening identificatie bij dienstverlening (GT)
National Ordinance on identification when rendering services (LID), consolidated text
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P.B. 2024, no. 41 | Wijziging LMOT/ LID

Amendment of the National Ordinance on Identification when rendering Services (PB 2017, no. 92) and the National Ordinance on the Reporting of Unusual Transactions (PB 2017 no. 99).

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LB no. 19/0282 | Landsbesluit toezichthouder identificatie bij dienstverlening kansspelsector.
Appointment of the GCB as the AML/CFT supervisor for the LID for the gaming industry
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AML/ CFT regulations

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Requirements for NOIS/ NORUT compliance officer

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PB 2017, no. 99 | Landsverordening melding ongebruikelijke transacties (GT)
National Ordinance on the reporting of unusual transactions (LMOT), consolidated text.
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P.B. 2024, no. 41 | Wijziging LID/  LMOT

Amendment of the National Ordinance on Identification when rendering Services (PB 2017, no. 92) and the National Ordinance on the Reporting of Unusual Transactions (PB 2017 no. 99).

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LB no. 19/0283 | Landsbesluit toezichthouder ongebruikelijke transacties kansspelsector
Appointment of the GCB as the AML/CFT supervisor for the LMOT for the gaming industry
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PB 2020, 157 | Landsbesluit inzake regels voor melding ongebruikelijke transacties (Landsbesluit goAML meldportaal)
Rules for reporting unusual transactions.
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PB 2015, 73 | Regeling indicatoren ongebruikelijke transacties
Indicators for recognizing unusual transaction.
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PB 2024, 60 I Wijziging van de Regeling indicatoren ongebruikelijke transacties

Amendment of the Indicators for recognizing unusual transactions.

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AML/ CFT regulations

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Requirements for NOIS/ NORUT compliance officer

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